Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Past 2 months....

Some update on whats happening recently at my loft. I stopped flying birds from mid October as it started raining here and also hawks have arrived. Hawks season will be till mid March here. Have been busy breeding the birds for past 2 months. I currently have around 10 young ones and hope to have atleast few of them perform well next season. The flying season will start from March.

I lost 4 birds recently. It looks like they have been stolen :( . 3 among them were very good tumblers.I got them after lot of effort and lost them before breeding them. Have added more "security measures" for the loft now :) .


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Tumbler Pigeons

Young brown tumbler

Both these young ones are from same pair.

Sabja male

Guldhar male

Jack male paired with below jack female

Jack female paired with above jack male

Monday, June 29, 2009

My first homer pair

Yesterday I got a pair of homers. The male is a Grizzle bird and I am not aware of the exact bloodline. The female bird is a sabja (blue bar) and was breed from a Chinese bloodline. They both are kind of scared and dull now. The friend who gave them advised me to handle them very carefully as they take months to get used to the new place. He advised me not to touch them and leave them alone for couple of weeks. I am eager to breed them and check the performance of their young ones.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Kit Flying Vs Flying alone

In Europe, US and most part of Middle East too the races for both Tipplers and Tumblers are held for a kit of birds. The minimum kit size if 3 birds and the flight time is considered as the flight time of the bird which lands first. If a bird fly separately from its kit for more that 1 hour or 30 minutes in some clubs, the bird/whole kit gets disqualified.

In TamilNadu, most of the races are for individual birds and not for kits. In some clubs although the race is for individual birds, they are allowed to fly as a kit. But in Chennai, flying as kit is not allowed. Here if a bird joins with other bird, its considered useless. People put lot of effort to breed birds such that they get the bloodline which can fly alone. These blood lines surprisingly fly alone even if several birds are released from same loft at the same time. All of these keep flying alone for several hours. They fly as a kit but not more than few minutes.

Its surprising to see such varied kind of interest among fanciers. Pigeon fanciers here say that its very easy to have birds which fly as kit but the real challenge is to get birds that can fly alone. I myself have 3 tipplers which are flying now and they are flying for 4-5 hours daily. But they are flying as a kit. I cant participate with them in race as they will get disqualified. The good thing is that if I release just one of them on a day, the bird if flying alone for same 4-5 hours . This is a good sign because many birds wont fly for long hours if they are released alone . I can try to selectively breed them somehow and try to get the "flying alone" capability.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tippler races this Year in Chennai

There would be more than 10 clubs for Tipplers and Tumblers in Chennai. The races here are conducted during April-May time frame. I followed couple of Tippler races this year. One was conducted by Mr.Ayya Samy who is a famous person for pigeons in Chennai. He is called as "Pallipataar" among fanciers here as he resides in a place named PalliPattu which is near Tidel Park . I dont know the club name for the other one. Sadly none of the birds won both these races this year. In Pallipattar's club race 18 people participated and of which just 2 birds crossed the 3rd day. Both these birds were eliminated on 4th day as they did not cross the 5 hour mandatory flight timings.

Here are some of the rules for Tippler race in Chennai:

  • The bird has to fly a minimum of 5 hours a day from 8AM to 1PM for five continuous days.If it clocks 7 hours a day for first 3 days and clock 4.5 hours alone on 4th day, it is a foul and bird will be eliminated.
  • The bird has to fly alone and should not fly as a flock with other birds for more than 1 hour continuously. . It has to fly separately even if you have other birds flying from your loft or near by loft. It can join and fly with other birds but not more than 60 minutes continuously.
  • While on flight, the birds has to come near your house (may be the area covering 100 to 200 mts radius from your house) once every 30 minutes. Some birds go far from their lofts (more than 5 kms away) while on flight. They have to return back and be spotted within closer proximity to their loft every 30 minutes. If a birds does not come near the loft area for more than 30 minutes it will get eliminated.
  • Birds will fly very high and get into the clouds sometime. The temperature at higher altitude will be cool and they love flying high. Sometimes birds go so high that they will not be visible to naked eyes. A bird should not be at such heights for more than 30 minutes. The loft owner should be able to show the bird to the referee once every 30 minutes.
  • When the bird goes to higher altitude and disappear, it has to be spotted at higher altitudes within next 30 minutes. Once spotted at higher altitude, the next spotting should be at comparable altitude.If they spot the bird at very low altitude, its a foul. The reason is to avoid situation where the bird flies to long distance, takes rests and then come back.
  • Before the race, you can tell the referee two spots near the loft where the bird can land after flight. If the birds lands at any other spot even on your own loft/nearby its a foul.
  • The owner has to handover the bird to the referee for inspection after it lands.

These rules are very challenging and its very difficult to train birds to win races. Many birds fly for long hours but they wont fly alone. Birds which fly alone are very few. Some breeds get too high and stay there for more than 30 minutes which will disqualify them. It takes lot of experience to breed birds carefully to get these desired characteristics.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pigeon breeds/varieties

There are several varieties of domestic pigeons each having unique characteristics. A broad classification would be like this:

  • Fancy Pigeons: These are non-performing pigeons which are kept as show birds like love birds, parrots etc,. There are several varieties of fancy pigeons.All of them are interesting in looks. They do not have strong homing instincts like homer pigeons nor do they have capability to fly for long hours. In fact many of them can not even fly. These are kept for their unique looks by the fanciers. I don't think there are races for these pigeons.
  • Homer Pigeons: These pigeons have strong homing capability and they can return to their loft even from 100s of kms away. The homer pigeons are mostly bigger in size with strongly built body. They feed on bigger size grains. Homer pigeons are the widely breed ones in Europe and US. There are several clubs for homer races that are operated in a very professional manners.
  • Tumblers/Rollers: These pigeons have the following unique characteristics: a) They can fly very high compared to homers. They fly so high that they become invisible to naked eyes. While flying they can do somersaults in air. They do somersault multiple time continuously. This is very unique character of rollers. They have very bad homing instincts and cannot return back home from just few kilometers distance. They fly close to their loft (within 2kms radius). Tumblers are more common in Asia and middle east.
  • Tipplers: Tipplers pigeon's unique characteristics is the capability to fly for long duration. They can fly continuously for more than 20 hours based on the climatic conditions. They don't do somersaults like rollers. They have better homing insticts than Tumblers and can return from distances upto 10 kms. Tipplers are more common in Asia and middle east.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pigeon homing in Chennai

Chennai is one of the cities in India which has large number of Pigeon fanciers. Kolkatta too is famous for Pigeon homing. You can see hardcore Racing homer enthusiasts as well as Tipplers and Tumblers fanciers. There are 3-4 well established Homer pigeon clubs and they conduct racing ranging from 100+ kms to as long as 1000 kms (Chennai-Bhopal). They have also started having multi-state races where clubs from Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka join together and conduct the long distance races. Homer races are held during December-January time.

When it comes to Tipplers and Tumblers, there are several clubs in Chennai. They have couple of clubs for every 10-15 km area. Tippler racers are conducted in April-May and Tumbler races happen in June.

Chennai is known for its very rigid rules for Tippler and Tumbler races. Tippler pigeons fly maximum of 7-8 hrs a day in Chennai as the climate is hot and humid. At places like Bangalore and Kerala, tipplers fly for 15+ hours due to pleasant weather. Tumblers fly for max 4-5 hrs in Chennai where as at cooler places Tumblers itself fly for 7-8 hours.

I do not have details on possible number of fanciers in Chennai but my guesstimate is there are anywhere between 2000-3000 fanciers in Chennai and its suburbs.



I am a pigeon fancier from chennai. I have Tippler, Tumblers and Homers with me now. I would like to write about pigeons here.